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Curious about topics and what a session might be like? 

My approach aims to be collaborative, educational and reflective.  

MORE ABOUT...9 Star Ki: Your Element Archetypes




“We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season in which we are born.” - Carl Gustav Jung


The 9 Star Ki is a sort of a numerology and astrology from China and Japan. From your birthdate we can ascertain 3 basic energy profiles about you - sort of like the results of a personality test. I like thinking of them as Element Archetypes, representing energy expression styles. 


The predominant philosophy informing the 9 Star Ki is an East Asian concept Wu Xing, the 5 movements, commonly called the 5 Elements. They function a bit like the game rock, paper, scissors. The five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water, represent different characteristics of energy, supporting and controlling each other. These are both actual elements, and powerful descriptive symbols.


Together, we explore these symbols in your life to uncover and appreciate real truths about you.  


I use the The Ki to offer insight and ideas about your inherent element instincts and expression styles. We look to your birthdate to see what basic energies you are prone to expressing as your basic nature, your inner world, and your outer self. 


Inspired by the before mentioned Carl Jung quote, what qualities describe the vintage of you? 


More important is the unfolding exploration and appreciation of the magic and mystery of you - the unique dimensions you take on and embody.

We can use the Ki to look for clues and keywords, but that flavor is all you. 




For your reading, you'll fill out a short form and send me your birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY) to calculate your personal element archetypes. We will meet at our scheduled time to talk about them, and I'll send you a written document for reference. 


MORE ABOUT... Feng Shui


After booking, you’ll receive an intake form. Questions are geared to get you thinking about how you’re relating with your space, what current challenges you're experiencing, and what you’re wanting for yourself.  This gives us direction for your session.


You’ll need to submit a signed drawing of your floorplan. Get acquainted with your space, and draw your floorplan as accurately to scale as possible.  Photos and videos of your space are welcome! 


After that you’ll kick back until your booked appointment. We will meet at our scheduled time, in person or online, using your intake form to guide our discussion.  My approach is educational and reflective, so questions are always welcome. I’ll share my opinions and offer ideas, and we will work collaboratively to decide on any adjustments.​


MORE ABOUT... Western Astrology


After booking, you’ll receive an intake form. Questions are geared to get you thinking about how you’re relating with your space, and what you’re wanting for yourself.  This gives us direction for your session.


You’ll need to submit a signed drawing of your floorplan. Get acquainted with your space, and draw your floorplan as accurately to scale as possible.  Photos and videos of your space are welcome! 


After that you’ll kick back until your booked appointment. We will meet at our scheduled time, in person or online, using your intake form to guide our discussion.  My approach is educational and reflective, so questions are always welcome. I’ll share my opinions and offer ideas, and we will work collaboratively to decide on any adjustments.​


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