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Community Give Back: Lotus Project

To be studying these philosophies and traditions is, personally, a generous gift. It is my heartfelt belief that these mindsets and practices are incredibly valuable, and that as we improve the quality of our own lives we improve the quality of our communities.


I have incorporated limited availability into my schedule to serve my community at a reduced fee. If you believe that you or your non profit would benefit from these services but are unable to afford the full fee, please apply by emailing me at


Copy and paste the applicable request form into an email with your answers.





Om Mani Padme Hum. (Sanskrit) The Jewel is in the Lotus. 

No mud, no lotus. We are all in this life experience together, and my wish is to support us as we grow through the muddy places into the fullest Lotus expression of ourselves.  You are not alone, and we are better together. 


Be Well

- Mariah Herself 

Individual Request

First & Last Name:




How did you hear about Mariah Herself?


What are you currently facing that you wish to explore with feng shui?


What are you hoping to achieve from these services?


Budget request:


Are you facing an extraordinary situation in your life? Such as a difficult diagnosis, loss of housing or spouse/child, an unexpected or challenging life event? 


Is there anything you’d like me to take into consideration as I process your application?


Additional comments:

Non Profit Request

First & Last Name:




How did you hear about Mariah Herself?


Name of non profit:


How do you represent this company? Owner, director, manager, etc.:


Tell me a bit about this company. Purpose/mission/goals of non profit:


What issues are you currently facing?


What are you hoping to achieve from these services?


Budget request:


Is there anything you’d like me to take into consideration as I process your application?



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